5 Benefits of Service Policies


NO HEAT / NO AC …is fun for NO ONE!


Service Policies provide the peace of mind that you need! When something goes wrong, we’ve got you covered!


It is important to have a company that you can trust to perform the service that you need promptly, thoroughly, and affordably. Ease the burden of high heating repair bills with our service policies. With a service policy, you’re one step closer to worry free heat!


We offer service policies on oil heating equipment, gas heating equipment, hot water heating equipment, and air conditioning equipment. AND we offer a multi-policy discount!


Some of the biggest perks include:

  1. Annual system tune-up – This helps reduce the amount of fuel you use and decreases your energy bills. Your system will run more efficiently when it’s been cleaned and serviced. A more efficient system means you will use less fuel to heat your home. This is an often overlooked maintenance step that you will never miss out on with a service policy!

  2. Parts & Labor Coverage – Most common repair parts are covered 100%, plus 15% discount on non-covered parts and labor charges. See the brochure below for a full list of parts that that are 100% covered whenever you have a service policy.

  3. 24/7 Emergency Service – You really don’t want to wake up at 2:00 AM to a no heat situation. Our customers get top priority treatment, and you have access to an emergency technician 24/7, 365 days a year!

  4. Maintenance is cheaper than Repairs! – Diagnose problems before they become expensive, inconvenient repairs. It’s just like maintaining your vehicle, or any other expensive piece of equipment.

  5. The TankSure Program – The TankSure Program provides peace of mind coverage for your oil storage tank. Many people don’t realize that this program for your OIL TANK comes FREE when you purchase the policies on your heating equipment.  This is a big bonus that many people often don’t realize is available. Full details on the plan are listed in the brochure below, but call our office with questions!

Service Policy Brochure

***Check out the full brochure with all of the details of our service policies.

You’ll find various levels of policies for oil heating, gas heating, air conditioning, and hot water heating.