It’s a good time to be a full service heating oil customer!

We just wanted to take the time to let you know that you’ve saved money this year being a full service heating oil customer!

Now, it’s likely you’ve heard other oil users talk about using discount heating oil companies, and how they get “the best price per gallon, it’s just so much cheaper than these big companies!”  Well, that’s not to say that there aren’t savings to be had, but those savings come at a cost, and sometimes, there’s no savings anyway – just the risk!

This week, for example, the “call in” heating oil price (for customers who aren’t full service customers and who take oil whenever they call in, at whatever price it’s available) – are paying the same heating oil price as CAP program customers, but without the perks.  Cap program customers have the opportunity to pay on budgets, be covered by service policies, and have their deliveries managed for them by us!  Not to mention the tank insurance, the 24/7 emergency technicians on call, and so much more.  Discount heating oil shoppers spend all day looking for the best oil price to be found, paying for the full delivery up front, having to track their own deliveries, and whenever anything goes wrong – they pay higher prices for repairs.  Taking on all of this extra work themselves, they’re hoping to save a few dimes on the price of the oil.  But unfortunately, oil prices can be unpredictable, and at the end of the day, they can end up paying the same (or sometimes more) than our full service customers who get all the full service perks!

Heating oil prices are unpredictable.  Can the discount heating oil companies sometimes save you a few cents a gallon on heating oil?  Absolutely – depending on the day, the weather, the political climate, the supply, and a whole slew of other factors.  And sometimes we think it’s important just to congratulate you on YOUR savings.  It seems like no one ever congratulates YOU on saving a bit of money by choosing the all inclusive and safest plan when the heating oil prices go high.  So we just wanted to take the opportunity to say – great choice – you saved money this year – and we’re glad we could help you do it!

The CAP program has proven beneficial again this year!   As oil prices have risen above the CAP price, our customers never pay the higher price.  But if the price falls below the CAP price, they pay the lower price.  It’s a great peace of mind, and we just wanted to let you know that this year, you made the right call!  It’s paid off to be a CAP member, once again!

Call us if you’re interested in enrolling in our CAP program for next year!  And as always, thanks for being a member of our Medford Heating and Air Conditioning family!  We’re here for you, for all of your full service heating oil needs!