Heating Oil Prices locked LOW with Price Cap Protection!

The CAP Program is back, and ready to save you some money! Heating oil prices are no problem for you!

So, what is the Price CAP Protection Program?

Basically, it’s a way to make sure that the price of heating oil is never unexpectedly high for you. What does that mean?

How Does It Protect Heating Oil Prices?

Well, in a nutshell, there is always a risk of price fluctuations with any fuel source. Heating oil is no exception, even with using BIOHeat (traditional heating oil mixed with clean, green, American made BioDiesel). With BioHeat, one component of the fuel is still dependent on heating oil market prices. Within the CAP Program, we take on all of that price fluctuation risk for you, so that you don’t have to!

We calculate your estimated usage based on prior years data, and we pre-purchase oil in advance. This locks in low heating oil prices for our customers. While we do pay for the oil upfront, you don’t have to – we allow you to divide up the cost of the program amongst your budget payments throughout the year. And once locking in a heating oil price, we then give you the best of both worlds. NO risk of heating oil price increases, but if the heating oil price decreases you will ALWAYS pay the lower price!

CAP Price Protection for Heating Oil Prices

Never be subject to skyrocketing heating oil prices!

  • If the price rises, you’ll never pay above the capped price.
  • If the price falls, you’ll always get charged the lower price!

Joining the Medford Heating Cap Program will eliminate any chance of any large bills that may happen at the end of your budget plan due to an increase in heating oil pricing.*

Is there a catch?

The only catch is that this program covers you for increased heating oil pricing, NOT increased usage. So, if every year you’ve used 700 gallons of heating oil, but this year you decide to build a mansion and use 3,000 gallons of heating oil – we will NOT be able to guarantee CAP heating oil pricing for the extreme excess gallons. This is because we need to estimate and pre-purchase fuel, to guarantee you the best heating oil prices possible. Obviously we don’t expect anyone to stick exactly to our estimate. But IF you anticipate using more fuel this year than in previous years, and would still like to participate in the CAP program, PLEASE don’t hesitate! Just give us a call and we’ll be more than happy to accomodate, all it takes is a little communication!

Give us a call at (609)654-2188 to sign up today!